2011-04-01 · Strategic CSR - Porter & Kramer By now, you will probably have read about Michael Porter and Mark Kramer’s latest foray into CSR—‘Creating Shared Value.’ If not, here is their front cover story of the first HBR issue of 2011, with accompanying video, humbly titled How to fix Capitalism—The Big Idea :
Porter and Kramer (2002) “The Competitive Advantage of Corporate Philanthropy”, seeks to address the tension of addressing the demand for greater levels of CSR with the demand for short term profits focusing on how a society's ‘competitive context’ impacts business arguing it is possible to see long term economic and social goals as connected.
First we center on the works that identify CSR as a value driver and, next, we focus on Porter and Kramer shared value proposition. Section 4 is devoted to the parallel evolution of asset valuation mod- We analyze, from the viewpoint of value creation, the evolution of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) thought from Friedman critical view of CSR to Porter and Kramer “shared-value Porter and Kramer categorize the agenda into responsive CSR and strategic CSR. A responsive CSR is aimed towards mitigating existing or potential adverse effects of the company’s activities and acting as a good corporate citizen by contributing towards mitigating the evolving social concerns of the community. Porter and Kramer (2002) “The Competitive Advantage of Corporate Philanthropy”, seeks to address the tension of addressing the demand for greater levels of CSR with the demand for short term profits focusing on how a society's ‘competitive context’ impacts business arguing it is possible to see long term economic and social goals as connected. Porter och Kramer (2006) skriver “If instead, corporations were to analyze their prospects for social responsibility using the same frameworks that guide their core business choices, they would discover that CSR can be much Porter and Kramer (2006) term these interactions inside-out and outside-in linkages. To develop and implement a strategic CSR policy, a company must map it’s inside-out linkages, its value chain effects on society, and it’s outside-in linkages, the effects of the context in which the firm operates on its activities.
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Porter and Kramer suggest a new approach to CSR which both (i) acknowledges the interdependence of companies and the broader community, and (ii) enables companies to develop a tailored, rather than generic, CSR strategy. In this way, companies will “make the most significant social impact and reap the greatest business benefits”. We analyze, from the viewpoint of value creation, the evolution of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) thought from Friedman critical view of CSR to Porter and Kramer “shared-value” proposition, emphasizing, at the same time, its parallelism with the evolution of asset valuation models from the viewpoint of common stocks value. Mark Kramer, a senior fellowin the CSR Initiativeat Harvard's Kennedy School of Government, propose a framework for shifting CSR from a paradigm pitting business againstsociety to one leveraging their interdependence. The Link between CSR & Competitive Advantage • Some scholars (Porter & Kramer) believe that - if approached from a strategic perspective - CSR can be much more than just a cost, constraint, or charitable deed.
av F Quennerstedt · 2012 — Ekonomerna Porter och Kramer myntade 2011 ett nytt begrepp kallat CSV, Creating Shared Value, med tanken att minska de problem som funnits inom CSR. av H Pettersson · 2019 — I ett försök att lösa bristerna med värdemätningen från CSR introducerade Porter & Kramer. (2011) begreppet Creating Shared Value (CSV).
av E Dereman — Porter och Kramer (2006) poängterar att det sättet som CSR används på idag är frånkopplat från företagets kärna och strategi och gynnar inte.
We analyze, from the viewpoint of value creation, the evolution of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) thought from Friedman critical view of CSR to Porter and Kramer “shared-value” proposition, emphasizing, at the same time, its parallelism with the evolution of asset valuation models from the viewpoint of common stocks value. Strategy and society: the link between competitive advantage and corporate social responsibility. Strategy and society: the link between competitive advantage and corporate social responsibility. Porter M.E. and Kramer M.R. Harvard Business Review, December 2006, Vol. 84 No. 12, Start page: 78, No. of pages: 14 INTEGRATING BUSINESS AND SOCIETY (PORTER AND KRAMER’S THEORY) Large level of Interdependence between Business and Society • Successful corporations need a healthy society • And healthy societies needs successful companies Value Chain impact on CSR Activities • Every aspect of a company’s value chain comes in contact with the society either in a positive or negative manner.
Lantos 2001, Martinuzzi, Krumay 2013, Porter, Kramer 2006). Strategic CSR aims at utilizing CSR as a competitive advantage for a company. This win-‐win
Hjuken 88. Porter och Kramer, Strategy & Society: The Link Between Competitive Advantage and Corporate. Social Responsibility. Lesen Sie das gleiche: grundar sig Porter och Kramer (2011) introducerade CSV som ett substitut till CSR som de anser brister Antanasijević, D, Pocajt, V, Ristić, M, Spence vs porter live | CREATING SHARED VALUE INOM TRE och Kramer (2011) introducerade CSV som ett substitut till CSR som de Porter and Kramer's CSR value chain What has this got to do with CSR ? Well in 2006, Porter wrote a seminar article with his colleague Kramer which mentioned the fact that CSR is about creating shared value.
CSR-konsulten Mark Kramer år 2011,
Porter och Kramer menar att CSV det är det bästa sättet att bygga i CSR i kärnverksamheten. Ibland går resonemangen runt artiklarna så långt
Porter & Kramer - Creating shared value (2011) ett CSR-mindset där vinstmaximering står i fokus medan samhällsvärde behandlas som ett tillägg,.
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Creating Shared Kramer (2006), 'Strategy & Society: The Link Between Competitive Advantage and Corporate Social Responsibility', Harvard Business Review, December, pp. 79- 4 Sep 2020 The business case for corporate social responsibility: a review of concepts, research and [Google Scholar]; Porter, M. and Kramer, M. (2006). CSV of Porter and Kramer also goes beyond the pure business case of CSR Keywords: Shared value creation, corporate social responsibility, European CSR Porter and Kramer [1] argued that a shared value approach is different from ordinary CSR programs focused mostly on reputation, with limited connection to the Porter and Kramer (2006) term these interactions inside-out and outside-in linkages.
Harvard Business Review (December): 78-92
CSR can be much more than just a cost, constraint, or charitable deed. Approached strategically, it generates opportunity, in-novation, and competitive advantage for corporations—while solving pressing so-cial problems. How to practice strategic CSR? Porter and Kramer advise pioneering innovations in your offerings and operations that create
We analyze, from the viewpoint of value creation, the evolution of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) thought from Friedman critical view of CSR to Porter and Kramer “shared-value” proposition, emphasizing, at the same time, its parallelism with the evolution of asset valuation models from the viewpoint of common stocks value. 2017-09-22 · Evidently, the CSR approach had established a new way of doing business that has led to the creation of value (Porter and Kramer 2011, Union 2011, Wheeler et al.
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21 Sep 2011 Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is the longest-standing and still Porter and Kramer first addressed the theme of “shared value” in a
Förvirring kring CSR-begreppet. Tyvärr råder en viss begreppsförvirring inom området, både på svenska och engelska. När man talar om CSR är det oklart om man menar hela spektrumet av ett företags ansvarsområde eller om man menar enbart på samhällsområdet (se engelsk begreppsmodell ovan) och därmed exkluderar miljömässigt och ekonomiskt ansvarstagande.
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Porter and Kramer (2006, 2011) are very clear that shared value is not corporate social responsibility. Not only do they criticize the four principles on which CSR rests: moral obligation
till att skapa nya perspektiv på vad CSR-arbete och ansvarstagande innebär. Detta kan i sin tur få fler företag att vilja ta ett större socialt ansvar i sin verksamhet (Porter och Kramer., 2006).